Knitspot Vintage Note Cards (set of 6)
Knitspot Vintage Note Cards (set of 6)
Knitspot Vintage Note Cards (set of 6)
1508 Harvard Ave NW
Canton OH 44703
United States
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Set of 6 greeting cards with images from Anne's archive of family photos, featuring garments handknit by her grandma and cousins for her mother and their children during the 1930's.
"i always enjoyed these glimpses into my mother’s childhood, but only in recent years realized the wealth of handknits represented in this chronicle. i just love that photo of my grandparents, dressed up to go out, holding their first child—they smiled like that almost all the time and had a happy life together. and who can resist a chuckle for the little group around the pram, so smothered in handknits, they look about ready to cry? or the look-alike babies—i can just hear my grandma and her closest sister, planning to dress their children the same for a trip to the photo booth." -Anne
Note cards for any occasion, envelopes included.
Size: 5 3/4"w x 4 3/8"h